Comedians with Disabilities to Watch in 2020

As awareness around representation of performers with disabilities has slowly increased in mainstream media outlets, so has the visibility of comedians with disabilities. Reality television competitions introduced comedians like Josh Blue, Zach Anner, and Ryan Niemiller to a broad audience, while Maysoon Zayid and Liz Carr appeared in roles on major scripted television shows. Here are four comedians with disabilities to follow in 2020:

Photo of Liz Carr, a white woman with dark, short, curly hair in a wheelchair, holding a microphone with her left hand. She is wearing a black top with lace trim and blue jeans.Liz Carr is known to many as the character Clarissa on the BBC One drama Silent Witness, but she is also an accomplished comedian, performing her stand-up routine in venues all over the world for over 15 years. She is the creator of Assisted Suicide: The Musical


A photo of Selene Luna, a woman with long, dark hair standing in front of a black and purple wall, holding a microphone in her left hand and raising her right hand in a shrug gesture. She is wearing a blue shirt and blue patterned skirt. Selene Luna may be best recognized as the voice of Tía Rosita in the animated film Coco. The comedian and actress has toured extensively with Margaret Cho and filmed her first hour-long stand-up special, entitled Selene Luna: Pretty Special, in front of a live audience in Los Angeles last year.


A photo of Steve Way, a man with short brown hair, wearing dark sunglasses, in a wheelchair with his chin raised towards the viewer. He is wearing a blue and black plaid shirt, a thin red tie, and has a white cloth with blue handles on the ends draped over his shoulders.Steve Way appears in the critically-acclaimed show Ramy (streaming on Hulu), playing opposite his real-life best friend, Golden Globe-winner Ramy Youssef. Way, who has muscular dystrophy, recently signed on to star in a new show for Apple TV Plus that is in development.


A photo of Maysoon Zayid, a woman with long, black hair, leaning on her left arm and resting her right arm on her right side. She is smiling and wearing a blue dress. Maysoon Zayid leapt into the spotlight when her 2014 TED Talk, entitled “I got 99 problems…palsy is just one,” went viral. Now, the comedian, actor, writer, and disability advocate tours the United States for stand-up and speaking engagements. She also has a recurring role on General Hospital and released her audio memoir, Find Another Dream, in late 2019.

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