Tax Considerations for Artists in the Gig Economy
Monday, December 12, 2022, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST
Category: Webinars
Free for members, $10 for non-members Michael Wetmore, Partner, & Chloe Parker, Senior Manager, from the CPA firm Ryan & Wetmore, PC will guide artists through five key ideas to comply with U.S. taxes when working in the gig economy. These topics are relevant to artists with disabilities across mediums: musicians, visual artists, actors, filmmakers, authors, designers, and more.
The presentation will cover:
- Understanding the implications of being considered an employee or a contractor.
- Different ways to structure a business and the tax implications.
- Best practices for tracking income and expenses.
- Retirement contribution options.
- When to file and pay estimated taxes Artists with disabilities will leave the presentation empowered to ask informed questions about their individual circumstances.
Register here.
Contact: [email protected] or 202-416-8898