Social Security Resources
Work Incentives Planning & Assistance (WIPA): Programs to provide free benefits counseling to people who receive SSI and/or SSDI beneficiaries to help you make informed choices about work. WIPAs provide information and referral services related to work incentives. Find your local WIPA at
Eligibility Criteria:
• Receiving SSDI and/or SSI
• Ages of 14 to full retirement age
• Must be actively seeking work or already working
Work Incentives: SSA rules that support people with disabilities who receive SSI and SSDI in going to work.
• Rules for SSI and SSDI are very different!
• SSA calculates self-employment differently.
Work Incentives let people:
• Get a benefit while they're working
• Keep a benefit longer while they work, or
• Get a benefit back quickly if it stops due to work
Additionally, individuals in AK, AZ, CA, CO KY, MI, MN, MO, NJ, and OH (IL in 2022) have the website Disability Benefits 101 (DB101). DB101 is a comprehensive website to help work through the myths and confusion of Social Security benefits, healthcare, employment, and more. Find your DB101 at
• DB101 provides accurate 24/7/365 information and resources
• One-stop for information, resources, and tools to motive, guide, and support people with disabilities to increase economic security through informed choice in their employment planning
• Use Estimators to see how specific, personal work scenarios impact public and state benefits
There might also be benefit planners within Vocational Rehabilitation and local disability service provider agencies.
Healthcare and Work
There are ways to maintain healthcare while working.
• SSI 1619(b): Medicaid continues after cash benefits stop due to work
• SSDI Medicare: continues for at least 8 years after starting work
• Medicaid Buy-In: Purchase Medicaid in 42 states (SSI & SSDI). May have to pay a premium
• Employer-sponsored Health Coverage: Public coverage and private health coverage can be used at the same time
• Individual Health Coverage:
Saving While on Benefits
There are ways to save when programs have income and resource limits.
Plan for Achieving Self-Support (PASS): SSI and some SSDI beneficiaries can set aside income or resources to achieve a specific work goal without affecting benefits. Resource from DB101 on PASS:
Plans can be for:
• Assisted technology
• Medical expenses
• Educational expenses
• Starting a business
• Anyone can write a plan.
• WIPA and Vocational Rehabilitation can also assist.
• PASS Cadre must approve all plans.
• Goal is to work off benefits
Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE): SSI and SSDI beneficiaries can save up to $100,000 without affecting resources limits. Learn more at
• Will not affect SSI, Medicaid, or most other benefits
• $16,000 annual contribution/additional $12,880 of earned income (work)
• Accounts can be opened in another state. Each state may vary in rules.
• Disability onset must be before age 26
Word Institute on Disability (WID) is dedicated to designing, building, and supporting whole community solutions by removing barriers to include people with disabilities. Nicholas Love is the Director of Community Inclusion at WID.
The link to the recording of Mr. Love's webinar “Making Benefits Work for You” can be found under Webinar Recordings.