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Mentoring: Empowering the Community Through Connection
Wednesday, December 14, 2022, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT
Category: Webinars

Are you struggling with developing a disability mentoring program that has a real impact?
Are you unsure of how to approach mentoring people with disabilities in the arts?
Are you looking for practical real-world solutions that you can implement right away that yield results?
Then this is the session for you.
In this interactive webinar, Dr. LaMondre Pough will present a fresh perspective on how to develop an inclusive mentoring program. This presentation will challenge participants to evaluate themselves as well as their organization to discover mentoring opportunities that make a difference.
So come with an open mind and be ready to have this discussion about mentoring in a safe place.
Dr. LaMondre Pough is a 2020 inductee into the Susan Daniels Disability Mentoring Hall of Fame. He's a passionate speaker who is the CEO of Billion Strong and he serves as the Chairman of Arts Access South Carolina.

Contact: [email protected] or 202-416-8727